The Real Cost of Printing Coupons

If you print a lot of coupons as I do, you have probably found yourself in need of printer ink and paper more often than before.

Is printing coupons really worth the money you end up spending to replace ink and paper?

I know for a fact that I am buying more paper and replacing ink cartridges more than I did before I began using printable coupons. But I also know that I have been able to cut my grocery budget down to a third of what it used to be!

Find a great place to pick up ink for a very low price

When I did some research, I found that I could buy the same ink online at a discount ink shop for much less money.

Buy paper in bulk

I always look for a good deal online. But I have been able to find some good deals at my office supply chain store when I buy a large case of paper.

Use all of the paper

Sometimes a coupon will print on a piece of paper and only use the over top of the paper leaving over half a sheet left. I save these extra papers to use for making lists or scrap paper around the house.