Easy Ways To Get Started With Canning

Here are some really Easy Ways To Get Started With Canning.

Being able to preserve the food you grow or buy from the Farmer’s Market is so important and a great way to add fresh produce to your meals all year long.

Canning at first glance sounds like one of the scariest ways to preserve food.

With freezing, you toss food in freezer bags and store it in your deep freezer. With dehydrating, you stick it in a machine that slowly dries it out.

A fun place to start is by making jelly or jam. Pick your favorite fruit, find a jam or jelly recipe and give it a try.

You need some half pint glass jars and tongues that will allow you to grab hot jars out of boiling water. Dig around and see if you have a pot large enough to hold the jars and get started.

Another great place to start is to with a simple vegetable canning project.

Canning green beans is very simple and you can use the beans throughout the year in any dishes you’d use store-bought canned beans. Clean, cut, and blanch your green beans to get them ready for canning.

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