Once they take off then you will be saving money by producing your own food and not having to rely upon the grocery store for all your fresh goods.
Weed killers, fertilizers, and more can run up a hefty tag at the hardware store but it’s hard not to buy them and watch the weed, bugs, and poor soil harm your precious plants.
If you continually add compost to your garden, it might be worth it to invest in a small composter, or if you have room, simply start your own compost pile in the corner of your garden.
You will find the best prices on these items in the spring when garden centers and hardware stores put them on sale.
Soaker hoses can get very expensive, especially if you plan on using them throughout your garden. Instead, use an old hose and poke holes in the sides that you need water to come out.
In the spring after you’ve planted your seeds and have healthy little plants growing, look around your area and see if anyone is hosting a plant swap.