You’ll find one of my home remedies for cold and flu recipe here that you can use to help speed up the healing process, and works for both colds and flu symptoms.

I always try to use more natural homemade recipes to help stay well and I love being able to share them here with you as well.


First of all make sure that you are drink lots of water and getting plenty of sleep. Avoid sugary or processed foods which can weaken your immune system.

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Here’s our essential oil health regimen we use to stay well during cold and flu season:

Purification, RC, Lavender, Frankincense, Thieves. On the bottoms of our feet, down our spine, on our chest.

We like to inhale Stress Away and Lavender, directly from the bottle. Because staying inside all winter can make you stir crazy. We inhale RC, too, to support healthy breathing as well.


1 drop Copaiba Vitality in a teaspoon of honey, 1 drop Lemon Vitality in hot cup of water, 2 drops Thieves Vitality in our daily Ningxia Red. Keeps our immune system in top notch shape.


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