Taco Roll-Ups Recipe

Taco Roll-Ups Recipe

These Taco Roll-Ups are super handy and delicious to have as a quick snack or an easy meal. Perfect for busy nights when everyone’s on the go or great for a fun and unique Taco Tuesday.

Browned Taco Seasoned Ground BeefSalsaCheddar Cheese String CheesePizza DoughSour Cream



Roll out the pizza dough onto a nonstick baking pan. Cut the pizza dough into four squared sections. Place a piece of cheese in the center of each square.

Sprinkle with the browned taco seasoned ground beef.

Roll up the taco roll-ups and cook in a 300-degree oven for 12-15 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.

Dunk in sour cream & salsa & enjoy!

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