Thank you for joining me in the 30 Day Happiness Habit Challenge.
I can’t wait to get started. In fact, all the fun is headed you way, so make sure to keep an eye out for Day 1 of the Challenge which should be hitting your inbox soon!
Each day you’ll get an email from me with tip or a strategy designed to help you grow your happiness and get in the habit of feeling happy.
We’re not talking airy-fairy stuff here.
These are hands-on, actionable tips and strategies you can use every day to get in the habit of feeling happier, more confident, and more fulfilled.
I’ll send you an email each day and also post over here on Saving Dollars and Sense.
Until then, I’d like to invite you to join me over in our Facebook group for even more happiness habits tips, fun and interaction.
I’ll see you very soon with the first happiness tip.
If you know someone who could benefit from this challenge, please invite them to join us too!