Do you ever have one of those weeks when it seems like everything that could go wrong does go wrong?
This week has turned out to be one of the most stressful weeks I have had in a long time.
Everything started out okay, but circumstances can come along in a blink to change the course of things.
On Monday our hot water wasn’t working. Starting the week without a hot shower is just a bad, bad joke.
My husband was able to fix it thankfully since he had just had to repair the same problem at our rental house over the weekend. We thought it was very odd that both houses had the same problem 2 days apart but things like that actually happen to us often.
On Tuesday I realized that we had scheduled an appointment to have our fairly complicated taxes done on Thursday evening instead of the following Monday as I thought.
Of course, I was completely unprepared.
I proceeded to spend every spare second for the next two days making sure I had everything in order. It was a long couple of days and at the end of them, I came to the same realization that I come to every year. I need to be more organized!!
I went to sleep Wednesday night feeling confident that I was prepared for our meeting the next day. I planned to get up and double-check everything for the umpteenth time just to be sure.
Thursday morning I stayed in bed a little longer than usual. I heard my daughter get up and leave for her early morning college class. Then about 10 minutes later the phone rang.
It was my daughter on the other end crying and telling me she had just gotten into an accident and she was bleeding.
This is a phone call that I pray no one ever gets.
Thankfully she was just up the road and it happened directly across from the fire station. They took very good care of her until I arrived.
The other driving of the car in front of her had decided not to take the time to clear the snow off his car before leaving that morning. When the sun began coming up, he couldn’t see and tried to pull off the side of the road to clear his car.
The problem was this is on a major 2 lane highway and there is no side of the road, not to mention she couldn’t see his brake lights under the snow on the car. So he just stopped hallway off the road and halfway on leaving her with only 2 choices. Move over and get hit head first by oncoming traffic or hit him, which is what happened.
While my daughter was sitting in the ambulance, he started clearing off the snow. As you can see from the picture the back windshield is completely covered still, this is how the entire car looked.
One of the firemen that were on the scene asked my daughter for her phone and took this photo before the kid could get all of the snow off.
By the time the trooper arrived on the scene his car was completely cleared of snow. Thanks to the quick thinking of the firemen, the photo evidence worked in my daughter’s favor and the trooper decided the circumstances were such that my daughter had no option but to hit him and was not at fault for the accident.
My daughter had a fractured cheekbone, broken nose, busted up knees, totaled car, missed mandatory biology exam, missed work (pay) all because someone didn’t take 5 minutes to clear the snow from their car before heading out that morning.
We are thankful she is alive and are trying our best to help her cope with the circumstances that she is left dealing with after someone else’s irresponsible decision.
Please consider this the next time you think you don’t need to clear all of the snow from your vehicles.