This post was sponsored by Alomune (, a daily pre-biotic supplement that helps you stay strong all year long.
My health seems to have become a dominant theme of my life over the last several months.
In case you’ve missed it, the bottom line is I am dealing with the very real possibility of developing cervical cancer.
After several procedures, I found out Thursday that I still have bad cells that left alone will turn into cancer at some point.
While I am upset by the news, I am even more upset by the fact that this could have very easily been avoided had I been taking care of myself and visiting a doctor regularly.
The truth is that I should have been taking better care of myself all along. I know I am not alone in this.
Why do we as moms think it’s perfectly okay to ignore our own health when we would never ignore the health of anyone else in our family?
Mom’s are the greatest caretakers until it comes to taking care of ourselves.
There are so many reasons we don’t go to the doctor. Might I be so bold as to call them what they are?
Here are the top excuses women avoid the doctor:
No health insurance. I totally understand this one. In fact I used it myself.
The reality is, you can go to the doctor without insurance. You will have to pay for it, but I can promise you the cost of a regular checkup is far less than paying for tests and procedures when you haven’t been in a long time like I am dealing with today.
I don’t have the time. mom’s are constantly juggling everyone else’s schedules along with our own. Many times I found myself putting off the things on my own schedule for someone else’s.
The reality is that you DO have the time. You might have to rearrange a few things to make yourself a priority, and I know for some of us that might be difficult.
I’ll go when I’m sick. I never understood the point in going to the doctor unless I was sick, which I never was.
The reality is I told myself every year that I was fine all the while I was getting sicker and sicker with no clues. Going to the doctor is a great way to keep from getting sick in the first place.
Denial/Fear. I am not even sure most of us realize that this is the #1 reason we avoid the doctor. It’s easy to just ignore the fact that you already know you need to go.
The reality is deep down I always knew something could be wrong. I also knew if I never went to the doctor then I couldn’t have anything technically wrong with me. You know what is even scarier than finding out something is wrong? Finding out that it could have likely been avoided.
For more than 15 years I found myself only taking care of others in my family.
Somehow I got the notion that I was supposed to sacrifice everything for my children, including my own health. What a stupid idea that is!
I came to the realization through this long journey over the last year that if I don’t take care of myself, I won’t be able to take care of anyone else.
Moms, this is my plea to you.
Please, if it has been more than a year since your last physical or checkup, make an appointment today. It will mean so much to me.
But even more than that, your family will thank you for taking care of you.
This post was sponsored by Alomune (, a daily pre-biotic supplement that helps you stay strong all year long. For more healthy living ideas & inspiration, please visit the Alomune Healthy Living blog (, their Facebook page (, Pinterest ( or join the conversation on Twitter (