Learn How to Grow Your Own Herbal Tea Garden using the plants below for the best success.
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Tea is an amazing thing.
From its powerful medicinal properties to a healthy beverage when you need something more interesting than a simple glass of water.
Herbs for Tea Gardens
If you love to garden you may be thinking about the value of adding your own tea garden.
These wonderful herbs are perfect for a cup of afternoon tea along with many other refreshing beverages.
Mint is an easy to grow herbs that makes a great calming tea.
Mint can also be added to some of your other favorite teas for a dash of flavor.
Mint is great for settling an upset stomach or helping to cool off on a hot summer day.
Lavender is such a useful flower.
This flower makes a great calming tea perfect for helping you relax before bed.
With so many other uses, you will never run out of ideas for ways to use lavender in your home.
If you like to drink tea to wind down from a long hard day, you will love growing chamomile.
This calming tea is perfect year round to calm and soothe.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is a beautiful delicate herb in the mint family.
It has a light lemon taste to it.
This beautiful herb also attracts bees and butterflies to your garden.
While rosemary may not come to mind imminently when you think of tea it makes a wonderful tea with a distinct herbal flavor.
Mix it with other teas for the best flavor.
If you are lucky enough to live in an area warm enough for passionflower to thrive you will not want to miss this opportunity for your tea garden.
Passionflower makes a beautiful aromatic tea that can help calm the nerves, fight insomnia, and can even help those struggling with depression.
Lemongrass has a light airy flavor to it.
This herb is a great addition to your herbal tea garden. Its delicate flavor and uplifting aroma make a wonderful tea while the plants self is a beautiful ornamental grass with a fragrance perfect for repelling unwanted insects from your garden.
It’s super easy to grow most of these plants.
They will looks great growing in any garden and smell amazing too!