My husband and I had a neat opportunity to go camping overnight alone!
Our teens were heading to Cedar Point overnight with their youth group (and my sister & brother in law)so we thought that would be a great time for us to have a romantic campout for the two of us, and the dogs.
Coleman sent me just about everything we needed for a successful camping trip except for food!
Tent– We were not able to get to the camp site until after 7:30. I was a little worried because I did not want to be trying to set up a tent in the dark. But that was not even an issue because this tent went up in under 10 minutes! It was so easy to set up and take down.
Sleeping Bag– my son claimed the sleeping bag as soon as it showed up! He loves it! He especially likes how easy it is to roll up and how small it can get while rolled up.
Lantern– This is THE coolest thing! Not only does it serve as a super bright lantern, but each of the sides can be removed. So while the lantern was sitting on the picnic table I was able to take a side with me to see inside of the tent.
Air Mattress– Super easy and fast to set up and take back down as long as you have an outlet available. We have one in our truck. So plug it in and wait just a few moments and it is ready to go! You can also plug in in to remove all the air which makes folding it back up a snap!
Cooler– This cooler is the perfect size to fit everything we needed and the fact that it is also on wheels is great! This has quickly become my favorite cooler and I know I’ll use it all the time!
Stackable Jugs– we filled these with water and I did notice they leak from the spout just a little. Thankfully since we used them for water that was not really an issue anyways.
I love camping in the fall! It was such a nice time for us to just relax and sit around the campfire talking. Camping is such a great way to get back to the basics and enjoy an inexpensive staycation!
My only complaint was that it wasn’t long enough! We only had one night to go, but next time we need to be able to stay for a few days!
Do you like to camp in the fall? Have you tried any of the Coleman line before?
Whitney Vanbrackle says
I really would love the air mattress because it would be nice to have an extra place for guest to sleep at the house or when we need it to stay with friends
Angela Robinson says
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Angela Robinson says
I would like the air mattress–makes camping a lot more comfortable!!!
Jen says
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Jen says
I would love the stackable jugs as we already have a tent and air mattress! =)
Dena says
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Dena says
would love to have the tent since the one we had has gone to tent heaven. thanks for this opportunity for some lucky someone.
Rhonda Packard says
I also follow you on twitter and just tweeted youe message! poetgirl78 on twitter
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Rhonda Packard says
The lantern looks really neat and the stackable jugs!
Brian Weiss says
Love the tent really great when camping out!
Brian Weiss says
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cherice says
The Tent would be great so we can go camping! Thanks for the chance.
LoryAnn says
I would love the cooler. A new one with wheels would be much easier on the back than our current one.
Julie Pruitt says
I would love the stackable jugs, one for water and another for iced tea. Coleman products have been a staple in my camping gear for years. Even as a child I remember the red metal cooler my folks had, we took that all over the United States and Mexico, good times! My current tent, cooler, lanterns, sleeping bags, air mattress, inflator, chairs, cookstove and cookware are all Coleman brand. It would be great to have those jugs, my old water carrier is starting to leak (it’s not a Coleman!) Thank you!
kat says
My family would really appreciate any of the Coleman line. We are a family of 4, and will be taking our autistic son and daughter camping this Fall. Our son is eager to be outdoors and explore natures finest. What better way to go camping, if we add something new to take along! Thx
katie says
Like you on fb and wanna try the lantern
Jason says
I would love the cooler. I had a nice red steel one. Until it was stolen out of the back of my truck on our vacation to the Delta….Whoops. Live and learn!
shamrockfinder at yahoo dot com
Allison says
I would love to have the tent. We have discussed going camping (with AND without the kids!) but haven’t got started on our camping gear yet! The tent would make a fab first addition!
Amy says
We are in need of a new tent. Our little 2-person one doesn’t cut it any longer – now that we are a family of 4!
sara says
I liked the air matteress , because i would love to be able to go camping and sleep on a mattress instead of only blankets, it gets uncomfortable
Pete says
Air mattress………so cool
Jay says
I would like the stackable jug for hubby that works in construction.
Katy P says
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Katy P says
I’d like to have the air mattress! We have a tent & two sleeping bags and have never gone camping!
Kelly says
We would love a new Coleman cooler. After many, many years, ours cracked. We also love our 5-person Coleman tent!
jr911 says
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jr911 says
I really like the stackable jugs and the air mattress!
Tina says
My honey just moved back to the mainland from Hawaii – did not bring his camping stuff due to shipping costs. Would love to start to restock, probably starting with the tent!
auntietina21 at
Autum says
My husband and I are in dire need of a new tent, we don’t have one worthy so we always have to borrow a friends. Thank you for hosting!!
Laura says
Would love to take my 3 year old camping for the first time – We would use the gift card to purchase a tent!
katie says
I would love to try the lantern..too cool!
Cathy B says
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cathy b
pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
Cathy B says
great giveaway…would love to win an air bed, air mattress. It is so needed for guests and grandchildren!.. I don’t have a sofa bed, so desperately need a couple airbeds for visits and for when i visit others.
cathy b
pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
Megan says
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mearley1979 at gmail dot com
Megan says
I like the tent because there is somehting magical about sleeping outside in a tent!
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
Heidi Mitchell says
Oh my goodness! I just found your blog and LOVE it. I signed up for the e-mails and I am going to “like” it and share it on facebook. I don’t currently have/use twitter (I hate to admit I don’t even know how to use/start it!!…or I would do that for sure!!!).
How do I choose just one Coleman product! I too love them all! I thought the lantern you described sounds so GREAT! I really dislike that mine doesn’t split into two for use during bathroom trips or trips to the tent. This would come in so handy….so I would have to say that would be my favorite product from above.
I have to tell you…I have a Coleman tent, air mattress, ice chest, water jug, AND sleeping bags!!!
One thing I love about my large sleeping bags is you can make them into a large queen size sleeping bag. All you have to do it buy two nice ones of the same type, open them both up, and zip them to eachother. It works great and it allows one to share a giant sleeping bag with their significant other on the air mattress.
By the way…I was so disappointed I missed the opportunity to comment on the rubbermaid reveal. I just purchased mine last night and LOVE it. It is so easy, lightweight, convienent, cost effective, green, etc. etc., etc. It’s nice and narrow so I keep it by the side of my ‘fridge so that it convienent for spills or quick clean-up. Not to mention there is no motor so I can use it while the baby sleeps! I also like that you can purchase the cleaning bottles and the terri cloths by themselves. LOVE IT.
Thanks for a wonderful blog!—- Heidi
Teresa Young says
I like SD&S on FB
Teresa Young says
We have one camping lantern but the Coleman one sounds well-designed.
Niecey says
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Niecey says
I’d like the air mattress, because ours just burst recently!
We love camping, so $25 to colemans would go to very good use.
Kathy Scott says
the cooler and lantern – to have a cold drink and not trip
on the way to the cooler!
Fabmomfour says
We would love the sleeping bag!!! There’s six of us and we only have 3 sleeping bags!! Thanks!
jessi says
the cooler sounds great, we need one with wheels!
Mariann says
We are in our 60’s and just started camping last year. We camped in the mountains of Pennsylvania last October 31 for the 1st time on the way back to Michigan from buying our pop up camper in Vermont. Fall camping is the best! I would like the sleeping bag. We introduced our two grandsons (ages 5 & 7) to camping this summer and they loved it. It would be nice to have another sleeping bag for when they are with us. Thanks!
Paula says
I’ve always wanted a lantern! This would be neat! Thanks! Paula
Cheyenne says
I like Saving Dollars and Sense on FB (marie)
Cheyenne says
I would love to have the latern, that is so cool that it comes apart!
Carols119 says
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JD says
The jug- because constantly hauling water while camping can be so annoying!
Debbie says
I would love the lantern. We don’t have a good one.
Ann says
I tweeted about this giveaway.
Ann says
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Ann says
I would like to try the lantern.
April Vereb says
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April Vereb says
I would love the air mattress! We’ve been talking about going camping (in a tent) and I’m not big on sleeping bags, b/c you can still feel that lumpy ground! LOL The air mattress would be a blessing to have!! 🙂
Amber says
I would have to say I like the cooler the best, as a matter of fact I could’ve used it this past weekend.
Sarah G says
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Sarah G says
Ooh, I’d love to get a tent! We’ve been wanting to go camping as a family for a while – this would really help! 🙂
Merle M says
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Merle M says
I like the their Lantern. It collapses for easy storage and traveling conviences, so that you don’t have to worry about breaking the lantern.
Mari says
Fb fan Mari Doug
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Mari says
I would prefer the lantern so we could spend more time outdoors. My dh could use the tent but I’d rather sleep indoors.
Kathy Rambousek says
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Kathy Rambousek says
We’re in the market for a new lantern. The one you reviewed sounds great!
Heidi Mc says
Tweeted the giveaway.
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Heidi Mc says
I would love to try the cooler you mentioned. I have not been able to find the “perfect” cooler. Although, I have never tried Coleman 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win!
April Boyer says
I am a facebook fan!
April Boyer says
I would love to get the sleeping bags! We are hoping to take our 5 yr & 1 yr old camping for the first time next month!!!
Jessica Smith says
I’d like to try the lantern, great for the race track
MamaHen says
I think the lantern is a great idea!
clarksrfun at gmail dot com
Robin Jensen says
I would love to try the cooler. I have a big one that is hard to lug around and one on wheels would be great.
Jodi S. says
Definitely the stackable jugs. Right now we don’t have any for our family of 7. These would be awesome!
Carols119 says
WOW!!! We are planning a camping trip for the end of October. We need a tent of course. This would be great!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda Kish says
The lantern because I like things well-lit
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Barb says
The Coleman Tent:
My husband Michael & I work hard to keep us at a one family income level and as a result we rarely have the money to get out to do anything extra. We have four children and although we love them dearly we sure would love to be able to take them out and allow them to enjoy the beauty of God’s wonderful creation around us as well as each other’s company. I would love to have this tent for my family so that we can have a night away together enjoying quality time outdoors. I sometimes feel like because I choose to stay at home they do without even the basic things in life such as camping.
This is why I would love the tent. “For My Family to Enjoy Quality Time Together Affordably”
Jennifer T. says
I’m a facebook fan of This Side of Eternity under username Jennie Tilson.
Jennifer T. says
I’d love to have a new Air Mattress. We have one we use when camping and it’s got a leak.
Elaine says
A cooler! We don’t have one currently.
trish says
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trish says
We are in need of a new tent! thanks
Ashley R says
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Ashley R says
I would love the cooler because ours is really old and isn’t that great anymore!
debp says
I would like the tent. I have been meaning to buy one, but I just never got around to doing it.
gina says
I love the lantern idea….would love to try this out!
Deanne Haggerty says
My family used to go camping, it has been quite a few years since we have, and we would like to start going again. I would have to say we would like the air matress the most because my husband and I both have bad backs and sleeping on the ground wouldn’t make for an enjoyable time. With the economy the way it is we do not get out to do much with our kids, ages 12 and 13, and camping would be an inexpensive way to go out and enjoy some quality family time together.
Shannon says
I love , love, love our sleeping bag by Coleman!! I have what I like to call the ‘fat man bag’, and it is so warm and cozy! sometimes we use it as a comforter while camping because we fight over it!!
melissa W says
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melissa W says
I would love to have the air mattress!! We bought a tent on clearance at target and I have not air mattresses to go in them or sleeping bags so this would be great!!! I have never been camping either so this would be really fun for our family!
Denise Winston says
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Denise Winston says
REALLY need that lantern!! We camp but sometimes those flashlights just don’t do when you have to take a kid to the bathroom in the middle of the night!
Maureen M says
I’d try the lantern. Definitely. I have a thing about flashlights and lanterns and it sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.
Jodi says
We have 2 coleman sleeping bags we just love them. They each have a light weight zip -out liner that can be used seperately. Great for indoor sleepovers!
Shelly W. says
It’s hard to choose which one of those things I’d like to have the best – they all sound amazing. I guess I’ll go with the tent!
Wendy says
I would like to try the sleeping bag because our family has grown to a family of 5 since the last time we went camping 4 years ago when we had only one child. When we went camping for a couple of weeks ago; we had to use comforters because we didn’t have enough sleeping bags. We plan to go camping as much as possible since it’s such a low cost activity to do with the kids and its FUN!
Shelly W. says
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Lynnette says
AirMatress. The last one we used lost all it’s air by the time we woke up in the morning.