It is so funny how God hears the smallest prayers of our hearts even when we aren’t really sure a prayer was ever uttered.
I can remember when I first started to think about raising our own chickens. Basically I just had a thought one day that it would be really neat to have some chickens to lay eggs for us. It wasn’t a serious thought at the time because I was still living in the city with a super small backyard that I felt would be inadequate. And I was a little scared of how my neighbors might react to the idea.
After hearing about others who have successfully raised chickens in the city I started to play around with the idea more and more.
Today, after several years of thinking about it, we stopped in at our local feed supply store to find out how to go about placing an order for chicks.
Now I just need to decide on which breed we want and plan a place for them to live.
If you have any experience raising hens, I can use all the help I can get. Please share anything in the comments that you feel would be useful 🙂