Sometimes we just need a change of perspective!
If you want to know How to Save Money, read more below.
Debt and poor financial choices held me in the bondage of debt that seemed so overpowering and impossible to get free from.
My husband and I were very young when we were married and living on our own with two small children. We really were never taught any kind of financial skills for our parents.
So we listened to all the lies that said we should have what we want when we want it, and at any cost.
This translated into several credit cards, a car payment, and financed furniture. We spent any cash we had on fun stuff without any regard for the future.
Before I knew it I found myself in a position of never having any money. I would hear myself say it all the time. “I don’t have any money” became my mantra and I didn’t even realize that the prison I was creating for myself really had nothing at all to do with money.
I said that over and over until I believed it and it became my reality.
God blesses each one of us with what we need. But I do believe that we can misuse our money. If you are not spending your money wisely, you will feel like you don’t have money when the time comes for something you need to spend money on. When the truth is that you’ve already spent it where you didn’t need to.
Once you have made the decision to change the way you look at money, you’ll notice a few things.
No longer is it just for whatever we desire. Money appears to be nothing more than a means to an end. What I mean is that we live in a society where money is necessary. We work, earn money, spend it, and then start the cycle all over again.
Long before I could begin to change my spending habits, I needed to change my views of money. I had plenty of money, but I was the type of person that didn’t really think things out. If I had money in my pocket and saw something I wanted or needed, I simply bought it. I never thought past that moment in time. And I never even considered the possibility of planning for my expenses.
I found myself in a hole plenty of times because of my spending choices.
We were in terrible credit debt. The bank was looking for their money. And it seemed like we never had enough. The stress was almost unbearable and left me feeling hopeless.
Then I heard a lady speaking on the radio one day. She made the comment that we all have money, but need to make decisions regarding where we will use our money. What she said was so simple and yet it changed me from that moment.
I believed what she said more than what I had been saying to myself over and over.
The walls of my debt prison began to crack a bit, as I realized that maybe it wasn’t that we didn’t have enough, but rather we were not using our money wisely.
So I stopped saying I don’t have money and began to look at each situation as a decision. As a moment to choose if I had the money for That. And I stopped feeling guilty if I decided that we did not have the money for something.
For the first time, I realized it was okay to say no to our indulgent selves.
It was slow for a long time. But I was changing my views of money. It was no longer a necessary evil. It was now a tool that we could make work for us if we made the right choices.
Try to look at each moment when faced with spending and decide if this is something you have the money for? If you really don’t have the money for that coffee, don’t buy it.
How do you currently view money?