You can get a FREE bottle Thieves Household Cleaner for the next three days only!
How much money do you spend each year on household cleaners?
I found the best way to get my hands on an organic, plant-based cleaner that has none of the toxic chemicals that are known to cause health problems for just pennies a bottle.
Learn more about what makes Thieves SO powerful CLICK HERE
This bottle of cleaner actually makes up to 65 spray bottles of all-purpose cleaner, making it a super frugal household cleaner that is safe for pets and babies too. I love it and it is now the only cleaner I use in my home.
So when I learned that some of you could get it free along with a super cute glass spray bottle, I had to come and let you all know about this amazing deal.
So by now, you are probably wondering what is the catch, right?
Well, there is a catch, but if you ask me it is a pretty good one 😉
When you get a starter kit which includes over $400 of products to help you kick the toxins out of your home once and for all, they will also send you a big bottle of this cleaning concentrate free. The cost of the kit is just $165!
Learn more about the kit and why I recommend this one.
I know that I was definitely spending much more than that on cleaners before I learned a new way. Now I spend about $22 a year to buy this one cleaner instead.
Plus if you use my member referral #1580039 I will send you a bonus gift in the mail that includes some of my favorite things, an Amazon gift card and you’ll get access to our exclusive online hangouts where we chat all things oils. With thousands of members, you can always find the answer to your questions day or night.
Don’t worry this doesn’t mean you have to sell anything or buy anything else in the future if you don’t want to, promise 🙂
Please reach out to me if you ever have any questions at all and I would be more than happy to answer them.
I cannot wait for you to join me on this healthy living journey!!
*The free cleaner offer is only valid for those that have never ordered from Young Living before. If you’ve ordered before, you will still be able to get the discounted kit and my welcome gift, but not the cleaner.
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