FOUR YEARS ago today!!!
It’s crazy how something that was meant to destroy you, could become the very thing the Lord uses to redirect you to the path he has already laid out for you to travel.
My life looks incredibly different than it did 4 years ago
I finally listened to a friend and signed up to get my hands on some crazy plant juice that she swore I needed.
If I am being honest, I really only ordered because I was desperate and feeling a little hopeless. I was facing some huge health challenges and my faith was very small.
No mom wants to hear that she has cancer at 36 years old.
Since then I have learned SO, SO much about the products I used to love, that were literally killing me…..slowly.
I didn’t know better, now I do.
I want everyone I know to know better too.
Age fast or age slow? We are all aging, you cannot escape it. But we DO get a say in how fast we age, and how we feel while we are doing so
I’m teaching a quick class here on FB tonight that will explain more about the dangerous ingredients that the FDA allows companies to put in your health & beauty products, cleaning supplies and even food products.
It’s really not that hard to swap them out for products with simpler ingredients that can actually promote health in the body, rather than destroy it.
CHALLENGE: Go pull out a product you use every day (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.) and look at the ingredients list.
Then go to Google and type in “The dangers of _____” (Fill in the blank with the ingredient in your product)
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