The first time that I ever heard anyone talk about sensory deprivation tank experiences, was when my brother-in-law was home visiting for the holidays a couple years ago.
He mentioned that he went into the sensory deprivation tank after he returned from his latest military deployment.
He told us that it was kind of a way to reset after deployment and a great way to get rid of stress in the body. I thought it sounded interesting, since I am totally into anything that helps remove stress from the body.
At the time I thought it was just for active military and didn’t realize it was something that the ordinary citizen could do.
Using a floating sensory deprivation tank is a great alternative or addition to medications and other therapies, without the negative side effects.
What Can a Float Tank help with?
Epsom Salts are great for your skin, hair, nails, and act as an exfoliate. They aid in joint pain, ease stress, and naturally relax the body. Magnesium (commonly missing from our diets) is absorbed through the skin, while Sulfate eliminates toxins and heavy metals, naturally detoxing the body.
Sensory deprivation tank therapy is a lot like a reset button.
I was given the opportunity to try it out for myself last week.
From the moment that I walked into my local float tank provider, True Rest Detroit, I felt like I was on luxurious spa vacation.
You’d never know that there was a shopping strip mall bustling with activity just outside, because they do such an amazing job of creating an atmosphere of relaxation.
Here is the my completely honest review of using a float tank at True Rest Detroit.
I was greeted by Mallory and Janell who were waiting with welcoming smiles to get me signed in. I was given a pair of flip flops and led to a super relaxing chair to watch a quick little informational video.
Once the video ended I was led to my float tank room.
There is a beautiful shower area in each room along with the float tank pod which looked oddly extraterrestrial to me.
You are required to shower before you get into the pod and then again once you get out.
True Rest Detroit likes to keep their place flawless and their pods immaculate. There is a filtration system that is constantly running, along with the 1,000 pounds of Epsom Salt and daily water quality testing to make sure everything is just perfect.
Your room is locked by you from the inside, and you have 100% complete privacy…except for the intercom which is there if you should need help with anything at all.
Your session starts and ends with about 5 minutes of soft ambient music and lighting. You can even use your own music if you’d like to.
Janell did a great job of making sure I knew everything I needed to know before jumping in and reassuring me it was going to be a wonderful experience.
So I took my shower as fast as I could and put the earplugs in my ears and got into the pod.
I waited a few seconds before I got up the courage to close the lid completely. There are some nice lights and ambient music playing to help you relax, so the pod is not dark.
The water is set at a comfortable 93°, which is supposed to be the perfect temp for sensory deprivation because you can’t tell where your body ends and the water begins.
There are head supports that you can use if you need a little extra support. I used this blue halo kind, but I’m not sure I really even needed it.
Floating was effortless and I tried to relax as the music played. I knew any minute the music would stop, so I tried to put everything out of my mind…without success, of course.
I was beginning to feel bored.
Then I reminded myself that it is only 60 minutes and I was probably only about 3 minutes into it. I knew that I really wanted to experience this since it may be the only time I ever do.
I thought I remembered that the big button was to change the lights in the pod. Maybe I could entertain myself that why for a while.
I pushed the button and it was complete darkness. I turned that light back on as fast as I could.
And then I reminded myself that part of the experience is sensory deprivation.
In a moment of courage, I turned it back off and returned to complete darkness.
I was still floating and I felt strangely at peace.
I let myself float there in the dark and tried to think of nothing at all. It felt like I was floating in space.
It really wasn’t bad.
I could feel parts of my body that I knew were the most tense just release and let go…and it felt freeing.
1000 pounds of salt in 180 gallons of water creates a 30% salt solution, enabling the human body to float effortlessly atop the water. This creates an anti-gravity environment.
This sensation is unique and deeply relaxing, as all weight and tension can be dropped; it’s even safe to fall asleep. There are no pressure points on the body in this state, which can provide up to 100% pain relief.
The spine naturally elongates and straightens, and the body undergoes the same regeneration process that transpires during sleep. Lactic acid is drained from the muscles, reducing soreness and recovery time.
It seemed like 15 minutes had gone by and then I began to hear something off in the distance. Then the music came back on again.
I knew that meant the session was ending and it was time to stretch a little in the water before the filtration started up again, signaling me to get out of the float tank pod.
I showered and dressed and then went to the room they have set aside to finish getting ready.
They have everything you need including lotions, hair products, cotton swabs, hair dryers and more. It was really nice to be able to leave completely put back together again.
Once you are finished you can head to their waiting area, where you are welcome to sit and relax until you are ready to leave. It took me a while before I was ready to leave.
I spent some time learning more about floating from the owners and talking with some other people that were also there, all while chugging water the whole time.
I looked around and noticed that no detail was overlooked in creating an atmosphere of rest.
In fact I was so relaxed…and exhausted by the time that I got home that I just crawled into bed and slept the more gloriously refreshing sleep ever!
I woke up feeling like a new person!
I had this sense of serenity that followed me for several days after my float tank experience ended and my body felt rejuvenated!
Float Tank Warnings
*You will want to make sure to drink LOTS of water following your session in the float tank.
A key part of the sensory deprivation tank experiences are to rid your body of trapped stress. Much like when you have a massage, time in the float tank will release trapped toxins in the body, this is a good thing.
Drinking lots of water afterwards helps your body flush out the toxins and speeds up the detox process.
*There is a slight chance that your body may be more sensitive than others when going through the detoxing part of the process. I was warned that some people may experience nausea and need to end their float tank session early.
*Do not shave before visiting your float tank location.
There is 1,000 pounds of epsom salt in that tank…ever get salt in a cut before? If you do have some nicks or scratches, they provide petroleum jelly that you can put on those spots to repel the salt water in the tank.
I had shaved the day before and was totally fine in the water.
* If you wear a swim suit, bring a plastic bag that you can zip up to put your stuff in afterwards. Otherwise you will end up getting saltwater on anything.
* You might find that you can’t stop thinking about your next visit 😉
True Rest Detroit has very reasonable prices and membership packages.
You can choose the perfect option for you and schedule your first float right away. I should also mention that on the 11th of each month True Rest Detroit sets aside one of their float tank pods just for all veterans!
I love that they give back to those that deserve access to this reset button the most 🙂
There is even a True Rest Groupon available. Pay $39 for a 60 minute float that normally costs $79!
True Rest Sensory Deprivation Tank locations
There are more and more sensory deprivation tank locations opening up nationwide all the time. You can look for a True Rest float tank location near you.
Sensory Deprivation Tank Costs
The costs varies by location, so be sure to call ahead before heading out.
I definitely think everyone needs to give this a try at least once to see if it is right for you.
I am already planning my next trip back, and I am going to have my hubby come along this time too!
*Although I was giving a free session in exchange for my completely honest float tank review, all opinions expressed are fully my own.
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