Buying Bulk is a great way to save money if you know how to make that bulk food last as long as possible.
If you want to know How to Save Money on fresh and healthy food and make it last longer too, check out the tips below.
Continue reading to learn how to make your bulk food buys last longer.
The first time I heard of Buying Bulk I thought it meant I had to head to a bulk food store and buy tons of beans, grain or something else crazy like that.
Thankfully that is just one of the ways that some people choose to save money buying bulk food. Today I want to share how I use bulk buying as a way to keep my grocery budget down and save on fresh produce, meats and dairy too.
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Another thing that you can do to really lower your food costs, is buy extra produce, dairy or meats when you can find it on sale.
I always check the clearance sections for deals on meats and produce that I can stick in the freezer to use later.
I also like to grab a few extra items when I find it is on a great sale, that way I am rarely ever in a position that I have to pay full price.
For example, when strawberries were on sale for $1 each, I bought several and stuck a couple in the freezer to use in recipes later on when I can’t get them on sale and would have to pay $4 each.
I also grab the marked down bananas every time. I bring them home. Then I open them, slice them up, add them to a plastic bag and put them in the freezer. This way we always have bananas for smoothies.
What to Buy in Bulk
Buying food in bulk is a great way to help in this process, though it can seem a little daunting when it comes to storing the food correctly.
I have put together a few lists for you to make those shopping trips less often and less worrying when it comes to prepping your food for the next few weeks.
Food which will last over a week:
Bulk buying food which will last you more than a week makes the rest of your shopping trips quicker for you and lighter for your wallet.
Below is a list of food that can be used in a wide range of meals but that will keep in your cupboards/fridge for long term storage.
- Potatoes
- Sweet Potatoes
- Onions
- Celery
- Parsnips
- Carrots
- Lemons
- Limes
- Turnips
- Butter
- Eggs
- Hard Cheese
- Chicken
- Sausages
- Burgers
- Cooked sandwich meats (chicken, beef etc.)
As well as lasting well in the cupboards, all these ingredients are a great basis for a large mixture of meals not forgetting being full of great nutritional value.
Don’t forget – you can also bulk buy the meats and cook them up, ready to each for lunches over the week.
Food that will last a week (5-7 days):
Another great way to make your shops lighter is buying food that will last the whole week.
Whether that’s sandwich fillings for lunches, fruit for snacks or meat to have with dinners, this list will have you sorted and full for the whole week.
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Cucumber
- Brussel Sprouts
- Aubergine
- Mushrooms
- Leeks
- Bananas
- Oranges
- Apples
- Cottage Cheese
- Milk
- Steaks
- Chops
- Bacon
The great things about these foods is the fact that they are super easy for snacks, great extras for bigger meals or even meals themselves.
Some of these are even great to cook up ready for next day lunches, so you get two meals for the price of one!
Food which will last a few days (3-5 days):
- Spinach
- Kale
- Tomatoes
- Asparagus
- (Cut) Onions
- Strawberries
- Raspberries
- Blueberries
- Uncooked meats (usually 2-3 days)
- Cooked meats
Another great way for saving time and money is freezing different foods.
This is great for if you have had a hectic week and haven’t had a chance to go to the shops.
If you have a few essentials in your freezer, it means you don’t have to worry if you don’t make it to the shops one week.
- Frozen vegetable packets
- Frozen fruit packets
- Fruit smoothies
- Chicken
- Fish
- Bread
- Soup
Bulk Buying Tips and Tricks:
Buying meat such as chicken, turkey, pork chops, lamb chops at the beginning of the month and freezing them will mean you will always have some ready for you to eat.
Simply grabbing the meat out of the freezer the night before or the morning of and letting it defrost ready for dinner means no trip to the busy supermarket.
Freezing the meat doesn’t change the taste and lightens any other shopping trips you have to make.
Keeping produce in the fridge crisper drawer is also another great way of keeping it fresher for longer.
The normal things such as most fruits and vegetables are probably things you put in the fridge without thinking, but next time try putting in your bananas, carrots, berries and avocados and you may just find you get a few more days out of them.
Bread is a staple for most houses, whether it’s for toast in the mornings or sandwiches for lunch.
Sometimes though, if there is only one or two of you living in the house, the bread does seem to spoil faster than you can eat it all.
So, why not split the bread into small amount portions in freezer bags and just grab the right amount when making sandwiches?
This is a great way to save the bread and your money.
If you do find you get through the loaf but it goes a bit stale towards the end of the week, try popping it into the fridge.
This helps the bread stay fresh for longer, just make sure you don’t push it too far to the back so it freezes!
I hope this this helps you feel more comfortable buying extra the next time you find a great deal at the grocery store.
Buying in bulk is one of the best ways to save on things like meats, produce and dairy with out using any coupons at all!