We started our week by finally cutting down the very large tree or bush thing that was growing wild on one side of our house, and covering half the house in the process.
I hesitated for years to cut it down, although my husband wanted to get rid of it the moment we moved into this house.
I finally agreed this year, and I am SO glad that I did!
We still have some work to do with the landscaping on that side of the house now that it has been uncovered, but I love the way it looks now!
Rich stopped on the side of the road to pick me some of these flowers which were growing wild everywhere, during our road trip this past week. I love them and plan to find some more that we can plant and grow in our own yard.
We headed up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to visit my parents for the holiday.
It is amazing how much you can figure out together during an eight-hour road trip together.
But our visit wasn’t all play, in fact, it was a lot of hard work.
There was plenty of blood, sweat, and tears to go around, literally, as we made the most of the few days we had to be there to help them get ready for the big 8 hours to move back downstate to be closer to the family in just a few short weeks.
We started by meeting up with my parents and Kalene’s family to watch the fireworks here.
Unfortunately, the only picture I got was this one before my battery died on my phone.
The bonus to having your phone run out of battery is that you get the opportunity to really enjoy the moment without any distractions. It was a great time.
The guys enjoyed some time fishing together and came home with so much one day that we were able to have quite a fish fry feast!
The older guys taught the newest one how to clean most of the fish.
It was a great time together as we worked to do everything we could to make the load a little lighter for them both until we can get back up to finish and complete the actual move back downstate in a few more weeks.
We were able to sell a ton of the bigger furniture items they won’t need.
Packed up what they needed or wanted to keep, and dropped a bunch of boxes and garbage bags full off at the local thrift store.
It was such a blessing that Liam had the opportunity to experience the UP, just like his mom did, and I loved watching him take it all in.
He was a natural as he ran around barefoot and played in the sand all day long. Taking breaks to go on four-wheeler rides, play with fishies, watch his favorite show on TV and eat.
In between working an everything-must-go yard sale and helping to pack up almost twenty years of memories and possessions, I found some time to just stare at the sky by myself and enjoy the views.
We took one last walk around the property before we had to leave.
I just love how these daisies were growing wild in the sand all over the place.
My view as we drove across the five-mile-long Mackinac Bridge to go home.
I was thrilled to find one of these at a gas station we stopped at and enjoyed every last bite.
Posts you may have missed last week:
The Time I Was Scared Straight
How to Begin Homesteading Without a Farm
You can also catch up on past editions of Monday Meanderings below.
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